With just weeks to go before the 10th annual Dickens of a Ride, the family-friendly ride is proving to be a popular as ever.
The ride, kicking off at 8 a.m. Oct. 7 from Gazebo Park in downtown Claremore, is perfect for riders of all ages and skill levels. There are seven distances ranging from seven to 100 miles.
“We’ve had riders from seven years old up to late 70s,” said Jessica Jackson, Claremore Main Street Executive Director. “It’s truly a ride for everyone.”
The Lazy Lake Loop is perfect for families. Other distances include 18, 30, 50, 62, 76 and 100-mile routes.
Registration for all distances is $30. Riders can register online prior to the event or in person during packet pickup/registration. Packet pickup/registration is Oct. 5 from 5-7 p.m. at Bike-About Bicycles, 300 W. Will Rogers Blvd., or ride morning beginning at 6 a.m. at Gazebo Park.
Pre-order of the long-sleeve t-shirt sales ended Sept. 1, but additional shirts will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis at packet pickup for $20.
The ride includes well-supplied rest stops and SAG and mechanical support through 5 p.m. as well as a map with instructions.
“The rest stops are one of the riders favorites parts about Dickens of a Ride,” Jackson said. “In addition to friendly volunteers, they’re complete with homemade baked goods and quirky road-side photo ops.”
The available routes, depending on the distance chosen by the rider, will take you through the scenic country side west of Claremore, through Oologah, then to the Claremore Lake area.
The longer routes will continue east of Claremore through rolling hillsides then back into Claremore from the East, ending the ride back at the start, downtown Claremore’s Gazebo Park.
More than 30 door prizes will be given out randomly to riders. Once returning, riders should visit the registration table at the finish line to see if they won and to claim their prize.
Riders will receive a goodie bag with discounts to local stores, handy information about Claremore and giveaways at packet pickup.
Boom-a-Rang Diner will provide a $3.99 rider breakfast special before the ride on Oct. 7.
The event is made possible thanks to a number of sponsors, especially Major Sponsor Bike-About Bicycles.
Supporting Sponsors are Play 2 Win, Kevin Fortna CPA, McDonald’s and Boom-a-Rang Diner. Rest Stop Sponsors include Boy Scouts, RSU Softball. The finish line, sponsored by RCB Bank.
Proceeds from the ride benefit Claremore Main Street, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the revitalization of the downtown district and reigniting the area as the social core of our community.
For more information or to register, find us online here. The official ride hashtag is #DickensRide2017.